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GERD Symptoms and long-term relief.

GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, and it's a common disease that effects millions of Americans every year. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease can be found from children to the elderly to fit, healthy people in the prime of their lives who suffer from no other obvious diseases.

GERD symptoms include heartburn, dyspepsia, regurgitation, chest pain, dysphagia and many others. Most people who suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease usually suffer from it at night time. has a list of tips to provide nightime relief from GERD symptoms:

Prevent heartburn by limiting acidic foods, such as grapefruit, oranges, tomatoes, or vinegar

Spicy foods giving you heartburn? Cut back on pepper or chilies.

Don't lie down for two to three hours after you eat. When you are sitting up, gravity helps drain food and stomach acid into your stomach.

Enjoy lean meats and nonfatty foods. Greasy foods (like French fries and cheeseburgers) can trigger heartburn.

Want to avoid GERD symptom triggers? You may want to cut back on chocolate, mint, citrus, tomatoes, pepper, vinegar, catsup, and mustard.

Avoid drinks that can trigger reflux, such as alcohol, drinks with caffeine, and carbonated drinks.

Personally I've suffered from GERD symptoms for most of my adult life. They were triggered by a seemingly innocuous lunch I had about ten years ago at a steakhouse. I ate a hamburger wtih bacon, and ever since my stomach has just not been the same. I've speculated, as has my doctor, that the fact the beef was aged may have had some long-term impact on my digestive system. Either way, I've not been the same since.

In the interim, I've had to stop eating all dairy since I've developed some sort of lactose intolerance. I also have to avoid cooked tomatoes and milk chocolate. Thankfully I've been provided some relief by medicines like Pepcid, Alka-Seltzer and Rolaids. One thing I'll warn against, though, is relying too heavily on Alka-Selzer since it includes aspirin, which itself can trigger acid reflux and other GERD symptoms.

That said, it's a useful medicine as long as you're responsible about when you take it. Doing so just before bedtime - or any time when you're laying down - is not a good idea. Right in the morning is more reasonable and beneficial long-term.

Right before bed time a more useful medication would be pepcid, which settles your stomach for hours at a time and controls acid production rather than just the symptoms.
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