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How To Kill Black Mold Spores

There are few problems that a new homebuyer should be more wary of than the organism known as Strachybotrys chartarum. Commonly known as "black mold," this pestilence not only looks disgusting, but can cause serious health problems. Unlike most types of household molds and funguses, which are harmless, Strachybotrys chartarum (and its relative, Strachybotrys atra) is extremely dangerous, having been linked to fatal cases of respiratory bleeding in infants.

Black mold spores are extremely harmful to the breathing apparatus, and can contribute to respiratory diseases like asthma that can become chronic conditions. If you discover that your house is infected, it is a good idea to treat the problem as soon as you can, even if there are no children in the house. Molds thrive on moisture and darkness, and can cause damage to walls and other surfaces in your home as well. It is always best to treat the problem as soon as you encounter it.

There are a number of methods for eliminating black mold spores. The most cost-effective is a simple bleach treatment. However, the treatment will need to be applied to the entire area of the mold to be effective - if any is left uncleaned, the mold can return very easily, especially if the area is still moist. A solution of one cup bleach to a gallon of water is recommended, applied liberally to the entire area. Be sure to wear a mouth and nose filter as well as eye protection, and try to have as little skin exposed as possible - black mold is extremely toxic. Saturate the mold area with the bleach solution and leave it for fifteen minutes. Then make sure that the area is rendered completely dry with a space heater or hair dryer.

If you are battling a recurring black mold problem, there are preventative measures you can take to avoid future outbreaks. Reducing the humidity of the inside of your house is the primary measure, whether it be through using dehumidifiers or simply ensuring adequate ventilation in all rooms. A HEPA certified air filter can also be used to reduce the amount of airborne spores, but this wont help remove the root cause of the mold spores. However, applying a mold inhibitor to paint and repainting your interior walls can make a big difference. Carpet is a prime breeding ground for mold as well, so you may want to consider removing it and replacing it with wood or laminate flooring. And never carpet a bathroom!

If you are suffering from a reaction to black mold spores, you should visit a doctor immediately. They may prescribe you a decongestant to aid in purging the mold spores from your system. In rare cases, black mold can also carry with it other diseases that can affect people with compromised immune systems as well. Strachybotrys chartarum is a fungus with a serious attitude problem, and it should be taken seriously by every homeowner.
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