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Bluetooth Wireless Adapters A New Way to Connect

It seems today that every new device on the market has some sort of wireless capability that allows it communicate with other devices within range. One of these capabilities is Bluetooth. Bluetooth enabled phones, receivers, converters and recently Bluetooth wireless adapters have seen a proliferation. In order to have devices communicate without crashing in the Radio Frequency, Bluetooth seems to be the most favored choice. Bluetooth devices work in the range of 2.45GHz. This is the radio frequency range that lies between the 1GHz TV range and the 10GHz Satellite range. Thus in order for Bluetooth wireless adapters to function, they must also work within this range and more so at 2.45GHz.

One of the many advantages of having a Bluetooth wireless network is that Bluetooth devices communicate by creating what is called a Bluetooth piconet. In a Bluetooth piconet, seven active slaves are controlled by one master. However, there can be over 200 passive members on a piconet. With Bluetooth wireless adapters, transfer speeds can reach 721kbit/sec. This is a high speed connection, when you consider that high speed broadband connectivity starts at 256kbi/sec. In order to synchronize with the other devices on the network, a Bluetooth device adapts what is referred to as frequency hopping.

Because Bluetooth wireless adapters can connect different kinds of Bluetooth devices, there has to be a protocol that helps to determine what kinds of devices are on the network and what kind of services they are offering or requesting. This is achieved by utilizing the concept of service discovery. This involves sending out a query for other Bluetooth devices and any other information needed to establish a connection.

Today there are many different kinds of Bluetooth wireless adapters that are used to connection the ever-growing list of Bluetooth devices. From headsets to sunglasses with Bluetooth capability, the list is endless. Bluetooth wireless adapters will allow you to dial to the internet on your Bluetooth enabled laptop without having you to take the phone out from your pocket. On the other hand, a Bluetooth adapter will allow you to form a virtual private network to connect your phone, laptop and PDA and update information. The uses of Bluetooth are endless and only limited by our imagination. Thanks to Bluetooth wireless adapters, all of the devices can now connect without interference or conflicts common in other wireless technologies.
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